How many buildings are there in a country?
How Many Buildings Are in the Country? Comparing Israel and Yemen How to Quickly find the Number of Buildings, Settlements, and Points of Interest in a Specific Country? For example, comparing Israel to Yemen: How many buildings are in each country? Roads? Restaurants? Buildings of a certain type, above a certain number of floors or […]
How to Find the Best Location for Your New Branch, Facility
How to Find the Best Location for Your New Branch, Facility, or Logistics Center Using Simple Tools and Technology How does location technology help find the best location for a new branch in a retail or pharmacy chain? Using geographic location technologies and GIS applications helps identify untapped opportunities. Where is the best location for […]
Easy Guide: Finding Localities Near the Border with GIS and SQL
Easy Guide: Finding Localities Near the Border with GIS and SQL? In a question that has come up frequently this past year in Israel: Which localities evacuated or not based on their distance from the Lebanon or Gaza border? Also, which localities are near the border on the Lebanese side, and how close they are […]
How to [Batch] load Geographic data to BigQuery easily, without errors
How to batch load large geographic data to BigQuery easily without errors – part 2 A short tutorial for batch loading large Geospatial data to Google’s Big Query in common and open source tools. Working in the cloud in Google Big Query Warehouse, analyzing your data, especially spatial data is impressively fast and easy. With […]
How do I turn my data into GeoSpatial? Or “To Geocode or not to Geocode?”
How do I turn my existing data to GeoSpatial? Or “To Geocode or not to Geocode?” Maps, Spatial, and Geography are amazing. I love how it all gets together, database, software, and visualization to give answers you couldn’t get beforehand. The base for Spatial technology is spatial data.It can be external GIS data for analysis […]
What are the top 5 popular Databases & what is their Spatial support?
What are the top 5 popular Databases and what is their Spatial support? I am writing a lot about using databases and cloud data warehouses with Spatial data and analysis. I am doing so because i love data, databases and especially the Spatial world. I see it as a necessity that will be used in […]
Select ✳️ from “Where” ⁉️Or how to really make your database to answer the “Where” question
✳️Select * from “Where” ??!!!!!⁉️🌐 🤔Or how to really make your database to answer the “Where” question I love Geography, Spatial Data analysis, systems, and programming. Knowing how to answer complex questions with data, especially with spatial data.Using relational databases with SQL language and spatial makes the best of breed for me. In this post, I […]
What can you do with spatial data and spatial analysis?
What can you do with spatial data and spatial analysis? Using location technology is a “must” almost for every organization and industry. If you ever wondered what it can do for you, or what you are missing not using it or using it but feeling you are not utilized its real power, Here are some […]
What are you missing by not using Geospatial information & capabilities
What are you missing if you don’t use spatial information and spatial capabilities? How to enrich your data easily, safely and costly with spatial data and technology. I may be biased because I just love what I do and I’m pretty sure those who don’t use location and spatial analysis technologies are simply missing out. […]
What are the most wanted datasets for data enrichment?
What are the most wanted datasets for data enrichment? How to enrich your data easily, safely and costly with spatial data and technology Data enrichment is a strategic process of enhancing existing datasets with additional, relevant information. In the last post, I wrote about data enrichment and how to do it. Here we will talk […]